Thursday, May 24, 2012

Owning a Collection of driving books doesn't make one a driver

-Insert here since Grace requested for this:

Questions are powerful tools. They can ignite hope and lead to new insights. They can also destroy hope and keep us stuck in bad assumptions. The key is to be intentional and choose our questions well.

Examples of bad questions:
  1. Why does this always happen to me?
  2. What did I do to deserve this?
  3. What’s wrong with me?
  Here are five strategies for asking better, more empowering questions:
  1. Become conscious of the questions you are asking yourself.
  2. Evaluate these questions: are these good questions?
  3. Be intentional and choose the better question.
  4. Write down the answers your brain serves up.
  5. Take action on these insights.

It can be a paradox sometimes.

But I see what You did there.
Because Life is far more than accumulating head knowledge;
Because Life is far more than having fellowship in the finest clothing;
Because Life is far more greater beyond ourselves;
Because Life is simply complex yet complexly simple.

God must know I need that wake up call, that nudge to realize that what we preach or say is REAL.
As I dwelt on the verse Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the Law of Christ. ~ Galatians 6:2, I am convinced that God does not want me to simply absorb these words for sake of preaching it.

Live it. 

I thought it is easy but the truth is that, application is way much tougher than we perceive it to be.
We try to negotiate with ourselves that God will show grace lah...It's okay...
I beg to differ.

His revelation:
My Grace is not for you to use as an excuse for your laziness or lack of discipline. My Grace is for those who give nothing less than what they have to offer yet falling short.

Salvation is free, but it doesn't come cheap. 

And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and He continued in subjection to them; and His mother treasured all these things in her heart. ~ Luke 2:51
Jesus was missing for 3 days. Mum and Dad found him and gave him a dressing down. The very boy who was thought to have been the ideal kid caught them off guard. 3 days. Perhaps we are like Jesus' parents many times. We try to pin the blame on others (and this began from Genesis during Adam and Eve's time). Key reminder here is Mary treasured all these things in her heart, something the Lord is reminding me this season. TREASURE THESE THINGS.

And it just didn't stop there for me this season. All the undeserving blessing. The unexpected allowance. The unmerited favor. The unprecedented portion. The unimaginable exchange rate.
The 1 lesson for me to learn to see His DEEDS in my NEEDS.

And Life seemed to tumble in to a mix of emotions...
First this, then that.
And tonight, learning that a NS friend has passed on in his sleep isn't helping much.
How frail Life can be. As I read through his FB timeline how people are commenting and giving their condolences and last words, I stopped at a post before his death.

How often we take one another for granted? 

This just reinforced all the more what I ought to do. Die trying Marcus. Die trying.
Because it's going to hurt even more knowing you let the opportunity slip by.

So much to learn, so little time to comprehend.
Abba, I need Your wisdom; to lean on Your understanding.
Jesus, be the Centre of my Life. Hold me and never let me go.

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