Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back from China after 13 days. It's been a beautiful experience and enjoyable, how I wish I can stay longer. Spent most of my time catching up with my distant cousins and discovering new facts about my hometown that I never expected! China is a country that needs to be prayed for, I hardly see bibles being sold in China...

Well my vacation tour is over now. Driving test is up on Friday, pray that I'll pass cause it's really not worth to fail and sit for the test again. Only by God's grace to see me through.

Highlight in this point of my life should be my enlistment. It's just 22 days away! I'm actually having fears and doubts about it. I feel like I'm facing this all alone...thank God for accountability group but it just feels so lonely and uncertain. My unit ain't the Chao-Keng type of unit and I suppose it's the toughest unit in the SAF.

I don't know man. I don't want to just go through the motion and think negatively about it..I want to make an impact inside NDU. God, help me!

-Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.