Friday, December 31, 2010

I have sinned

Dear God,

I know this is not about me and the power of transformation comes from You. Yet I cannot come to terms that I should stand by and do nothing.

If I am called to tend to Your sheep, should not I be accountable to You and provide Godly counsel? I believe I may not have employed the ideal method or used the most gentle words, but inside me, all I wanted to is for your children to be aware and mindful. Aware that You are omni-present and mindful that our lives are set to please You with obedience and the choices we make in our lives.

If I am called to tend to Your sheep, then I would count myself a disappointment to You. Lord, I am seriously evaluating my position and I pray that You would speak. I rebuke every self-condemnation and hypocrisy in Jesus' Name and I want to ask of You Lord to show up. Show Yourself so real to me; to Your children, Lord that life is far much more than what we think or see. Lord, to be able to discerning with Your wisdom.

Lord, I lay it all down at the Cross; at Your feet.
I have fallen short and I acknowledge my insufficiency.
Take over and use me I pray.
Here I am Lord.


Sunday, December 12, 2010


I wait in hope for the Lord;
He is my help and my shield.
In Him my heart rejoice,
for I trust in His Holy Name.
May Your unfailing love be with me, Lord, even as I put my hope in You.

-Psalm 33:20-22

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The battle that lasted 11 days

And today marks the beginning of the battle.

11 days has never seemed so long and dreadful.

I see a variety of moods and events, from the solemn and serious ones mugging to the jovial and happy ones enjoying their holidays or even at the youth camp happening now.
Lord I will myself to thank You. To thank You even in this season and out of it.
To thank You that my confidence can be placed in You and despite the circumstance whenever I am in, I pray You'll help me to see things in Your point of view and help me not to be a hypocrite. To truly love You and follow after Your heart.

Whenever and wherever, be the Sovereign God who reigns in me. Amen.