Friday, December 31, 2010

I have sinned

Dear God,

I know this is not about me and the power of transformation comes from You. Yet I cannot come to terms that I should stand by and do nothing.

If I am called to tend to Your sheep, should not I be accountable to You and provide Godly counsel? I believe I may not have employed the ideal method or used the most gentle words, but inside me, all I wanted to is for your children to be aware and mindful. Aware that You are omni-present and mindful that our lives are set to please You with obedience and the choices we make in our lives.

If I am called to tend to Your sheep, then I would count myself a disappointment to You. Lord, I am seriously evaluating my position and I pray that You would speak. I rebuke every self-condemnation and hypocrisy in Jesus' Name and I want to ask of You Lord to show up. Show Yourself so real to me; to Your children, Lord that life is far much more than what we think or see. Lord, to be able to discerning with Your wisdom.

Lord, I lay it all down at the Cross; at Your feet.
I have fallen short and I acknowledge my insufficiency.
Take over and use me I pray.
Here I am Lord.


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