Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lead Worship, Live Worship.

As always, a powerful experience having fellowship with S&R.

Though this time was just a tea-time huddle fellowship, I deemed it as one of the more powerful fellowships I have had. Authentic and genuine. Yes everyone sure have a different story to tell, but it was a time of iron-sharpen-iron and I have been blessed and encouraged.

It encouraged me because each and every individual present had the shepherd's heart and burden,
because we knew well in our hearts that the worship ministry is beyond the onstage "performance",
because despite our differences and perspectives, we desired a similar outcome.

No doubt the food was excellent and possibly the perfect setting for a time of afternoon fellowship, I think we all agreed that the time couldn't have been better spent coming together sharing our lives and how we are.

Striking home an important reminder once more, SHEPHERDING OUR SOULS.

I pray that every spiritual shepherd out there, will have the desire to care for the souls of those entrusted under.

We love because He first loved us.

Thank You Jesus, for this wonderful awesome day. For the unimaginable that you had to do for me.

You died for me, help me to live for You.

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