Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Beautiful Exchange

Today we continued Part 3 of a 4-part sermon series in church: Song of Songs. Learning about Jesus as the Servant is a humbling experience. And I sometimes wonder if we truly appreciate the significance of this teaching in this season. As some in the days of Jesus were, we come with our own expectations and interpretation of who God should rightfully be.

A triumphant One. A mighty One. Unmatched powers and supernatural abilities. At the first sight of him, his opponents flee beyond the ends of the earth.

Yet in the past three Sundays, a different Jesus was portrayed.
A Jesus more concerned about His Father than His circumstances.
A Jesus desired to testify of His Father's Faithfulness over his own image and reputation.
A Jesus who knew what impact would follow the decisions and actions he made.

A common saying nowadays is Jesus is the Reason for the season. 
And that can't be anymore true. This world may have rode on commercializing the significance of Christmas. Truly a season of giving. Yet, it stems from the very first Divine giving, the birth of Christ. Hence this Christmas, means more than just giving of presents; of writing letters and such. These are just forms and ways of expressing our appreciation for each other which is fine, except that one must never forget the Divine Giver. The Greatest Gift.

And so God, I thank You in this season. Of all the storms and gales I'm experiencing, I can still give You thanks and praise. There are certainly much that I do not deserve and yet You have freely given, so Lord may my heart remain in a posture of thanksgiving and waiting upon You.

The coming few days will be of one major transition, masked by the busyness of exams, of FYP, and of preparation for YAY! Camp. Thinking back how I came to the decision to extend my studies did not exactly find favor with people, yet God so graciously has opened doors and opportunities for me.
The wasted years (months in this case), was never wasted. The Lord is good and His faithfulness truly beyond our comprehension. How He closed the door and opened it only after a season of waiting and looking around. How He put me in a spot of choosing between a job or a commitment to the ministry. How He brought about the various Godly counsel who gave me bits of wisdom and their share of experience. How He ushered in different peoples to come forward and introduced me to various potential positions.

It seemed to be a repeat of how I went through each 'major' transition in the past years. The O's. The Diploma. The NS. The Uni. How in each season God has a vastly unique plan setup for me. And this coming season of transition definitely feels a whole lot more fearful than the previous ones. Perhaps because there are certain junctures of decision that I will have to make and steps of faith that will require me to be placed in a vulnerable position. Maybe it's the fear. Maybe it's the memories that hurt. Maybe it's the uncertainty that lies within.

But if God who has proven to never fail in His promises, perhaps it is also a season of change. A season of trusting wholly. A season of pure waiting and patience. A season of pressing God in prayer for a revelation. And I am excited as I put these thoughts down in writing. In the YESs and NOs, I can still give thanks to God for a gift in every experience. A learning curve and a knowing curve. A knowledge that what I know and how I feel is far from what God has already considered and planned out for me.

A Father's Love that is beyond measure. A Servant who cast aside His rightful position to do the Will of His father. How faithfulness triumphed unwillingness. Yet Christ gave Himself knowing that God would raise him up to glory as the price is paid in full.

Knowing He led a meaningful and purposeful life to impact others, how then shall I live?
Knowing He chose to bear a testimony of the Father's heart, how then shall I live?
Knowing He remained faithful in spite of all the odds against him, how then shall I live?

The end of the journey, the knowing of Christ, is just another step taken towards Him.

Faithfulness is a long obedience in the same direction.

Certain occurrences in recent weeks have really redefined Church for me.
The coming to service on Sundays. The attending of YAY! on Saturdays. The daily devotions with God. The constant mindfulness of God's presence in our lives.
Church has gone way beyond that, and I thank God for inviting along this journey. The different areas of help. The different situations I am exposed to. The unseen cries and hurts that never reaches the ears and eyes of the Church. As I consider my blessings, I am also prepared of greater things to come. Through ministries, is ultimately the goal of furthering the Kingdom of God, bringing the only true Hope to this World.

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