Thursday, October 4, 2012


Maybe it's due to the post-sleepless-night tiredness. Feels quite lethargic and out of focus.

On the other end, I start having qualms if I should do this. Hoped so much for cooperative effort and a slightly more positive response, but I guess it's something for me to learn.  Perhaps everyone else is tired too. Perhaps everyone already has other agenda.

So maybe I'll just go with something small, something simple. After all, the point is that this is done for you right?

I've actually said all these to someone else and I begin to see what it meant by "live what you preach". How timely a reminder from the Lord. Father, may I never ever miss what You are teaching or doing in me regardless of the situation. I'll still do this, cause I know it'll be better than nothing done =)
Cause it's easier to drop everything and walk away.

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