Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It doesn't take much

As I journeyed to the west this morning, I wasn't expecting to think of David (the King).

But He just began revealing so much about this dude whom God strengthened him from young, especially in his faith.

Taken from 1 Samuel 17.

1. Know who you are. Identity. V8,26,36,45-47.
This perhaps was the game changer in the standoff between the Israelites and the Philistines. Sure I think anyone who is familiar with this passage knows that David the young boy did not take Goliath down on his own accord. Given the little odds of winning, David was not the least daunted. Call him ignorant or arrogant, I see him full of faith. Full of faith in a God who is more than able to deliver him.

Goliath saw the Israelites as servants of Saul.
King Saul and Israelites probably saw themselves against the odds in the face of Goliath.
David's brothers saw him as useless to the battle.
King Saul refuted David's request to take on Goliath in his judgement call based on battle experience.

What about David? He simply saw himself as a servant of God. He knew God is One who will deliver him. He wasn't full of pride, but full of faith. An authenticity that reveals itself in the light of a trial.

I suppose this is one of the lessons for me to learn as the camp draws nearer. With a number of tasks and roles unsettled, there are times that I do wonder if I had gone wrong somewhere or perhaps I'm not hearing Him clear enough. I suppose the challenges that come along the way are surely within the Lord's control and there is much more to learn out of them rather simply to resolve them. Admittedly, I wish things would have been gone smoothly. Yet I pray that if this is something God wants me to endure through, then His Will be done.

2. Keep track of what the Lord has done regardless if others are aware. V34-37.
This was probably the substance that gave David the confidence to stand up against Goliath's challenge, to stand before his own King Saul requesting for a go against Goliath.

David had not built a fantastic portfolio till he signed up himself for a job with "maximum life risk". His father and family saw his value as far as a shepherd and a bread runner. King Saul deemed David's odds of defeating Goliath as a sure nil. Goliath saw David as little more than a boy.

David needed no outstanding resume. He shed off all the battle gear that was placed on him for the caution of what if's. He knew well how the Lord had delivered him previously and will again deliver him this time. He was honed in the very tools and weapons he had from the beginning. He needed no insurance in the ways of Man. All he had in him was the Faith in an Almighty God. Though Goliath was armed to the teeth and even donning on a bronze helmet, David took him down with the sling of a stone right in the forehead. Bear in mind that Goliath had a shield bearer in front of him in addition to the helmet he wore.

David was either the biggest bragger in the world or he was sure of what the Lord can do for Him. Be it a lion or a bear, these episodes in his life served to prepare him for a greater calling. The Lord will finally be exalted in this young boy's fullness of faith and confidence in Him.

Sure I can whine over the seemingly meaningless tasks and chores each day, but could I be missing out what the Lord is doing and preparing me for? Without a doubt, He is able to use any and every event in my life to mould me for the unique purpose He has for me. 

I have begun to see a glimpse of how He has been doing this and I pray that in time to come, may I be humble and submissive enough to allow Him to work deeper in me. 

3. Known by God is far more important than being known by Man. V55.
David the young boy was the youngest of a father of 8 sons. His 3 older brothers served alongside King Saul in the Israelite army and all that was mentioned of David was his going back and forth to tend to his father's sheep.

During the times of peace, hardly anyone who have known or heard of David. He would either be on the move or far out in the pastures tending to the family livestock. Yet for sure, the Lord knew his heart and knew the plan He had for him. David was probably unaware of why the Lord had to put him through encounters with the bear or the lion, and a good chance that no one else knew about it. Yet the Lord had it all planned out perfectly.

David had a heart of humility. All the men of Israel were with King Saul at the battle front yet none of them spoke up about David's bravery against the beasts. I would attribute this to the fact that David had not spoken of these to anyone, not even his father or his brothers. Though unspoken, David remembered well these experiences and clearly, the Lord's hand was on him and delivered him.

The Shepherd's heart. As I pen(type) this down, the Lord just revealed this to me. David was tending to his father's sheep. I'm sure when the bear or lion comes along, David could have avoided a confrontation and allowed the beasts to have their way. But hey! No way David was going to let this happen. He could have gotten away with losing the sheep to the beasts but he had a heart for them. He did not fight the beasts because they turned on him. In fact, he went after the beasts to rescue the sheep.

What good would David be if he was the best slingshot shooter in the world? He could have chosen not to stand up to Goliath if the Lord had not shaped his heart. Seemingly, the battle between the Israelites and Philistines was no business of David's. Yet armed with a faith that is full in the Lord and a heart of a shepherd, David took it upon himself to fight for the Lord. Nope he wasn't coming against Goliath in the name of Israel or King Saul. Simply the Name of the Lord Almighty, the Living God.

Of late, things seemed to be piling up on my plate and it does not help to deal with people-issues at the same time. Having said that, I am reminded that we have our own portion from the Lord, our portion of work, our calling. The Lord knows every bit of work that I do whether I realize that I am doing it for Him or if anyone is even aware of.

The priority for me is to first incline my ears upon His heart, to outstretch my arms to receive His embracing love, to lift up my hands in surrendering my will to do His. And out of these, I believe, is how one's ministry will overflow to minister to people.

Thanks young David. Thanks for being a reminder from the Lord. 

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