Monday, August 13, 2012


As I open the final chapter of my education life, somehow the bugging thought is not on what I'm or will be doing. It really doesn't matter as much as who I am and will be in time to come.

Because if I do not give it much thought, I may well be conformed into an identity by what I'm doing regardless of whether I chose to or forced to.

Christ, the foundation of the Christian Faith, the Cornerstone of one's Confidence. Who is Christ to me, to my life? I think the question begets way more consideration than what I would like my coming future to be. It is no longer a matter of my desired charter but a submissive obedience to a Greater plan.

God is supposed to be evident in ALL aspects of one's life, of my life. The tabernacle of the Old Testament cannot over-emphasize this. In the same way, the Divine Architect who has His great plans in its most intricate detailed designs should and only take the highest place of my life.

JESUS. I belong wholly to You.

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