Friday, January 12, 2007


Went for cell. Rush down from competition at Simei ITE. Reached about 915...
I left at 830 and wanted to grab a cab by 845 but the cab that came along only came at 855...why...

Many things happened between 830 and 845...Want to know why?

I was praying to God while looking out for a cab...I just kept praying the same prayer over and over again, holding hopes that God will send a cab. I argued with Him why I cannot get a cab for so long, trust me I did really ask God a lot of matters...Thank God, and I mean thank you Lord, You sent the cab coming. Though it did not come at the timing I desired, the driver was pretty fast though he looked older than 65 already.

Anyway, arrived at cell and U. Francis prompted everyone to clap for my arrival. I don't know what to say. I mean in the good way. God had sent the cab coming not at my timing but He did send the cab and what U. Francis did, it just touched me. The cell or rather the caretakers of the cell are just so wonderful. God gave the care and they passed it on. It just hit on me, whether I was doing the same to people around me. Am I being hospitable or hostile??

Thank God for SG cell.
Thank God for His grace.
Thank God for everything.

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