Sunday, September 2, 2012

Decoding Life

It has been a great weekend spent.

Especially after a week of case of dengue, I believe there's just much to be thankful for.
Looking back alone on the episode I had with this dengue fever has caused me to re-think again a number of facets of life, particularly the ones that I would take for granted.

Some experiences in life is priceless, it can only be taken in by the one who goes through it.
And this week during cell, one of the member took me by surprise with his perspective and inputs.
A viewpoint that I would never imagined him sharing about, but I found myself pleasantly surprised at the maturity of sharing. For sure, I know only God is able to move so mightily in his life and the Lord will continue to work in him.

I know He has placed in my hands a bunch of people He really loves. There is probably still a lifetime of a journey ahead together and it's also about the Lord working in me. I have to acknowledge there are areas that I really suck in and I think I ought to be doing better, I guess there's just something the Lord will have to deal with me about.

Every moment of the fellowship has been of significance to me and I do not take it for granted. But on top of the time being together, I'm also constantly trying to seek the Lord for wisdom. Wisdom to decode situations, wisdom to discern.

Strangely that certain things are becoming evident and increasingly obvious. And there is a growing sense of peace within me. Surely I must cherish all these, because ultimately God I want to live out Your Purpose for my life and I'm making it a point to make that the focal point of my life.

My Love for You must take precedence over all other love in my life.

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