Wednesday, July 18, 2007

RSAF Pilot Interview

Just came home from MEL meeting. Had my pilot interview today.

Reported to CMPB at 0830h. Interview was held only at 1300h. Long time of waiting.

Results of Interview: You meet the criterias for RSAF to take you in as a pilot. But do apply again after you have entered BMT as we want you to have a feel of military life before making a final decision. Also, try to listen to experiences of regulars who are serving the SAF in the meantime.

Intepretation: I was not selected for the next stage of selection. Kicked out at only the 2nd stage made me quite disappointed and hearing that I was not chosen totally devastated me. Being a RSAF pilot was my dream, desire and ambition. I wanted it so badly for many years.

I missed it totally this time round. I could have turned away and say, probably look for another career option(SIA?) or turn into an extremist against the Air Force. Why was I not chosen???

But I managed to get a hold of myself after the heart-breaking news. Look on the brighter side. I have not enlisted and they said I can apply again so they will interview me a second round. Anyway, I do not have leadership skills officially documented in my records. So for those of you who went for Outward Bound School, stop complaining because it helps you in your interviews!! To think some of my friends in the past went for OBS when THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE DESERVED IT! I was really pissed at this point.

Lessons that I drew from my interview today:
-God has created room for my faith to grow even more through my rejection.
-I still hold onto His promises.
-I still have chance when I enlist to apply again for interview.
-My cousin went through 10months of Commando before becoming pilot.

Yeah, so why the saddness?

Rejoice because the Lord is faithful and true and He is here, listening to every cry and plead we make. Amazin things will happen according to His perfect time.

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