Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Push While You Pray

Having just finished Sun Stand Still by Steven Furtick, has been an incredible journey for myself. The essence of his book was really to encourage Christians to take hold of God's promises and vision in their life, regardless of where they are or what they have been doing, and dare to believe while acting upon His faithfulness.

And I'll probably want to remember this quote he shared from Jim Cymbala, 

I despaired at the thought that my life might slip by without seeing God show himself mightily on our behalf.

Reaching a point in my life that I probably have to make a "major" decision such as a starting job. Up till now, I always thought I had a grip, or a little understanding, of what it meant by Faith. And this book which I bought from my Down Under trip, surely didn't come at a time of coincidence. I believe God must have allowed this book to minister to me as I ponder some of the most difficult decisions.

Now that it is less than 2 months from me entering a new chapter of my life, I find myself being caught in the middle. On one hand, I really can't wait to enter the next phase yet at the same, I hold onto doubts and questions.

One thing for sure. Sun Stand Still has helped to with a motto.
Seize the Vision. Activate the Faith. Make the Move.

It has also given me a fresh perspective of Hope and Faith. How closely assimilated these two traits are, yet so vastly different in their nature. One can choose to stand firm on HOPE yet another finds himself choosing to move by FAITH. The very fact that characters from the Bible have lived out by that principle is likely a lesson God would want His people to comprehend. To know that beyond the Promise and Progress,  there is a Process which His people undergoes.

As for myself, I do look forward to that Process.
The first job.
The next relationship.
The Calling in Life.

For sure and for real it may be tough, it may require endurance. But I have a Hope. A Hope given by the Most High. A Promise to those who seek after Him with all their hearts, to live out His Purpose, will find themselves living by it.

I may have little to offer, but God is more concerned about how much I am willing to offer out of the little.

Pray. Pray for a participation in His miracles and not just a speculation. Pray for fresh revelations constantly and as with any intimate relationship, in deeper love. Pray for a renewal of mind and strength as I face each new day's challenges. Pray for not just a changed life, but a channel for life-changing as well. Pray not for my desires alone, but through seeking His portion for me that I find my satisfaction.

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