Sunday, March 23, 2008

Faith puts a demand on God's anointing

And amen to that! God is faithful and loving. Led worship in youth ministry today, was full of God's presence and Aunt Shanti spoke in the power of the Holy Spirit on Jesus and the Cross. Many and I mean many, youths were convicted and rededicated themselves to Jesus during altar call.

There is power in prayer. We believe. Praying last night was definitely helpful and thank God for being so gracious and merciful. We're gonna endure in this prayer ministry and the Devil is going to be beaten as we get down on our knees and come back to the Lord in the most high.

Lord, there is unlimited power in Your spirit. I pray that You move in our midst as we dedicate to You our lives. I pray and break any attempts of the evil one to come in between You and us in the name of Christ. You are the One, Hallejulah!

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