Saturday, December 22, 2007

Count down to Team Building Week

So called as "Hellweek"...It's like 3 more weeks to it. Not very excited about it but yet, I will go with confidence that my God will be watching over me through the period of training. I know my God has His plans to bring me through hellweek.

Looking back so many things to thank God for...

-New phone
-New laptop (coming soon)
-Friday Bookouts
-Safety through trainings

I never take my friday bookouts for granted, I see them as God's wonders in my life since not everyone gets to bookout on fridays..Got my new phone recently...N81-8Gb...Thank God my brother bought it for me la...483 bucks!!!

Anyway he's getting me the new laptop nice right! Why I thank God for safety? My company friend almost drowned on Friday. I mean drowned but almost left us. Instructors had to pull him up 6m from below the water surface and do CPR on him...Through that short few minutes, so many things ran through my mind...I'm pretty sure for the rest of the guys who overheard the whole event. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! DON'T YOU LEAVE US!"

It was just a couple of minutes, yet it hit me so is really short and fragile...what counts in your life today??

Your results?
Your achievements in your workplace?
Your salary every month?
The one you cherish in your heart?

What matters to you most today if you're going to leave tomorrow?

2.4km timing been improving much so far...thank God because I know I cannot do it without His strength...8.21 to 8.32 to 8.12

I begin to see the big picture why I'm in NDU...

Lord, my life is in Your hands...take it and use me for Your perfect plan. Amen.

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