Saturday, February 4, 2012

Going for Gold

Humbling journey and an unexpected experience.

Though I was not the critical factor to the success, I rejoice knowing my players have fought their best for the glory of the Hall, for themselves.

This IHG season for the badminton has come to a closure with us clinching the gold medal. We are officially IHG Badminton Champion for 2011/12!

We have been clouded with injuries and the odds seemed to be against us many times, nevertheless we pushed through each encounter and last night, we stood on the courts rejoicing (though we didn't cry!). We cheered, we rejoiced as a team, as a hall because the glorious title of Champion was restored to our hall!

I do hope the team has benefited much this season of walking together on this journey. Indeed I can only give thanks to God being so kind to the team and as one of my team mates prayed, let Your will be done if we were to win, or not. God, may You be glorified in all I do, regardless of the outcome.

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