Monday, December 26, 2011

Silent Night. Literally.

Having spent Christmas 2011 in Silence seemed pretty sad (for me). While most close ones I know spend their nights either together as a family or with friends, I spent mine working on a video needed for coming Sat and heading to bed.

If you don't already know, I spent most of my festive seasons in my whole life (not) celebrating them. I don't know the exact reason but it always sticks in my memory because I always hear people around me of how they are going to spend their time going to some gathering or flying off on holidays.

It's never a wasted process if something is taken away from it. And for me, I would never want to see my kids spend their festive seasons and holidays by themselves. It is not just the need to celebrate or host lavish gatherings, but simply the reminder that there is still a family that exists and it is real.

Here's how I spent my Christmas weekend:

Something cooking up this 31 Dec 2011 -

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