Saturday, June 15, 2013


I choose to believe You have capacitated me for this season, for a reason.

I choose to believe I will not hit a burn out in the arms of Your loving arms. I will rest easy.

I choose to believe You are stretching me far beyond my expectations, beyond my comfort zone.

I choose to believe that even in the pains and sorrows, there is joy when I choose to look Your way.

So I pray,
For the sake of the world, 
Burn like a fire in me.
Light a flame in my soul,
For every eye may see.

To be a fool for You,
To give You my youth.
A season of seeds to sow,
And I want to keep my soul.

Take my life, and let it be.
According to Your Will.

Much more expectations have been put in my way. Time to be reminded, to live worthy of him and pleasing to Him, not Man.

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