Hearing Sunday's message on God's Goodness and His provision, I really didn't see this one coming! =S
I had been hyped up for this coming week's mission trip to Myanmar and halfway through, I hit a roadblock. The amount I expected to raise for the trip was only suffice for the air tickets. I had to raise another sum of it for the lodging and food. Usually for my trips I would take it for granted and ask from my parents.
Well this time round, I wanted to go in faith, by faith. I want to go knowing God is the One providing for me. And He did. The way God worked in the situation, really threw me off and sweeping me off my feet! I cannot imagine in my little brain how God could have turned this around just like that but HE DID.
Just weeks ago, I couldn't come up with enough to pay up for the trip and I had to ask Pastor for deferment. I don't know how and I don't know when but I will do all I can to raise the outstanding amount for the trip. And I thank God for Pastor's understanding to let me pay back later.
Now after tonight, I stand to testify God's provision when we ask of Him. How God always provided for His people especially those who give everything for Him, I may never understand fully but now I have tasted and seen of His Goodness.
I will go forth and be the blessing I was blessed to be. With every cent and bit of the love you all have given, I will put them to use for His glory. And the kids of Myanmar will receive the Good News, knowing that I made it there because of you love and generosity in Him who is able to so much more, exceedingly and abundantly.
On a personal note: My heart is filled with gratitude and warmth of all of your love and giving. Each one of your name written down on the card. Many things tend to be forgotten but I will never forget this. And I pray that as you have given, that you receive much in return and be blessed as you grow more and more in Jesus. Love you all!
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for
us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. ~ 1 John 3:16
Cake baked with love =) |
Hand Burger |
The wonderful people |
Zac - Always ready |
Reminder that my friends are very sweet! |
I get it I get it..any takers? |
The prop makers |
The cake bakers |
Eventually I did enjoy the night! ~ Sam and Pavit |
Smile always! ~ Zac |
Always joyful ~ Jean |
I'm 24, not 16 ~ Rachel |
Good times ~ Zeph |
Keep Growing tall in Him ~ Brian |
My awesome sister for life and forever ~ Ethel |
Loving siblings ~ Amanda and Ryan |
Never fails to make me laugh each and every time ~ James |
Stay 'hot' for Jesus! ~ Eudora |
You are always a dear friend to all especially me ~ Sarah |
Sure glad to know you so much more since 2005 ~ Donnie |
The card of love |
My version of the "card of life" with the names written on it |
All your love, now I hold onto in memory for life |
The stand ~ Made with great love and effort |
Thought this is quite apt for a sweet friendship |
Thank you for the magical night |
My symbol of offering to Him for all these blessings in my life |
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