Today attended the
Global Leadership Summit 2011 at Riverlife Church. Though I got up late and 'missed the boat' , thank God I made it on time for the conference.
The GLS is an annual leadership conference usually lasting 2 days, this GLS happens to be my first time in attendance. For more info, you may visit
I honestly did not attend GLS with any expectations to begin with. All I could do was utter a sincere prayer before making my way down, telling God that since I'm already going for the conference, He might as well make use of it to speak to me. Well and He sure did, not just to me but I believe the rest of us who attended.
There were various sessions, interwoven with recesses and meal times. The timely breaks were just long enough for fellowships between the many groups attending the conference. As true blue WRPF people, we sure did make full use of the breaks through our 15 minutes of quick (and I really mean quick) sharing of the first half of the day's sessions. We barely had 30 seconds (There was a countdown timer projected on the main screen!) and we managed to wrap up and close in prayer just 3 seconds before the worship leaders came on stage.
One session after another, the speakers (through broadcasting of the video recordings) never failed to inspire (me) in faith-building and trusting God for greater things. The first 4 sessions today seemed almost like a walk up a flight of stairs, each session building up on the previous one. I thought today in particular I was intrigued by the 4th speaker in session 3, Patrick Lencioni. Visit his profile at
I thought this was it. The most engaging speaker for Day 1 of GLS. But no, I was wrong. When session 4 came on after tea-break, I was glued to the video on Steven Furtick. This was a 31 year old (yes 31!) pastor who hails from America and having grown a church from 4 members to the 8000+ congegation it is in
Elevation Church (click to visit them).
Pastor Steven is not to be viewed as some "young punk" who happened to hear God speak and followed whatever God said. Hear it for yourself, his life and journey with the Lord and how the church he started grew (exploded may be a better description here). This dude is now my fav! And I thought Ethel was just going ga-ga over him before he spoke, but I was wrong!!! And now I can't wait to hear him speak at Hillsong Conference 2012! Sydney here I come!
So I share stop sharing about GLS here but just like to post 3 photos that describes what I think YAY! Ministry is going through:
Then after GLS, I went to a wake with several church members. This wake was in memorial of a lady, at a young age of 25, not much older than myself.The father, Mr James Chan commonly known as National Director of YWAM greeted us and thanked us for coming jsust after we paid our respects.
I did not personally know the family, even Mr. Chan. But one thing for sure, I wanted to make this trip because Joanne's life story inspired me in a way when she was alive. I could identify with her since we were quite close of age though I have never met her in my life. Reading all the prayer updates of Joanne's condition going up and down over the past days have caught my attention and thinking to consider my own life.
And I owe it to Joanne that I concluded that I shall not live my whole life pursuing personal desires of earthly things but to cherish the things of eternal value such as souls and salvation. It also got me realizing that if I want something (major in life), prayerfully do it and stop hesitating because life (and time) isn't going to wait around!
And summing up today, is really a bombardment of emotions (quote Aunt Agnes). And I thank God for giving me this experience. Because in any and every circumstance, give thanks to God knowing that He allows all things to happen for good. Greater good.
YAY! Leaders |
More YAY! Leaders |
And more YAY! Leaders |
Still some more YAY! Leaders |
"I want to hear from you now" |
With every ship, comes the captain (and his wife) |
GLS 2011 |
Are you ready to step up? |